blah, blah, blah~
its have been a while ryte...i think i'm gonna write about our very oun Miss Malaysia 2011, Ms. Deborah Henry...but i think i'm gonna pass...i'll write bout her later...oh n btw, i just love her..well, today is 31st of July 2011...and tomorrow is....1st of August! its Fasting month!!~ i'm super duper excited! yay! =Dso BTW, i would like to say sorrrrryyyy~~~ to all the ppl round me if i've done nything wrong to u guys. yeah2 i noe, sumtimes i talk nonsense but its just me, being me!~ =p
meanwhile, i'm also kinda excited bout d idea of going to Terengganu! well, its x 4 holiday or sum other thing like dat. but i'm doing my degree there! yay! i got 2 do my degree at University of Malaysia, Terengganu or in Malay, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu a.k.a UMT!~ isn't dat exciting?! =P i got Bachelor in Biological Science! which is something dat i'm in LOVE with! if Miss USA, Alyssa Campanella is a huge history geek, then i'm a huge Biology geek! actually UMT is 1 of my choices in UPU...i x want to stay away from home AGAIN! no thanxx...although i love Penang, but i love my family even more! hahaha~ =P
hah ni quote ak jumpe kat 1 of the laman dye katerr which i quote, " Dalam usia yang muda, UMT telah mencatat pencapaian yang membanggakan dalam bidang penyelidikan dan dikenali di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa." hahahah tudiaaa!~ bangga cheq!

ohh yea... lupe lak i got a date with my peeps! last day b4 puase...huhuhu TTYL, blog ya l8ter!

i noe Qis, its kinda retard...hahahah kredit 2
atau lebeh mersa, Balqis Oh...=P
atau lebeh mersa, Balqis Oh...=P
punyalah susah nk komen kt blog engkau. =="
btw, bangga bebenor dgn UMT :p
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