Wednesday, April 25, 2012

hostel application. urghhh

hello! hye. It has been a long time. again. its my half semester here in UMT. I'm so busy. *busy ke? haha actually I don't have any ideas to write today but I'm gonna right anyways. Its half semester now, so I'm quite preoccupied with my final exam. And now, I'm busy with my hostel application form. one of my room mate also apply for hostel his Faiz Pcoyo De btw this is his Fb name. add lah kalau nk. LOL haha XD

 hahahah this is my borang...harap dapat la yer? pary for me too. the room is limited so I'm praying for the best. Ignore the ugly pic of mine.. hey! they took the pic right after registration so, i'm not fully prepared. i'm going to play basket ball right now. tata!~