Diamond Nexus Lab crown..mak aihhh santexx gile...meleleh segale bende ak tgk....=P
yes! i have been waitin 4 dis time like forever! luckily i managed to watch the
live broadcast of the
2011 Miss USA which celebrates its
60 th anniversary this year..past title holders also present kat event kali ni, antara nyer yg i recall,
Rima Fakih *like duhh!, Kristen Dalton, Crystle Stewart, Rachel Smith, Tara Connor, Chelsea Cooley, Shandi Finessey *love her <3! and ad lgi la..
so this is some of the highlight that i manage to get of this years's pageant which held at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
this year's crown goes to
Alyssa Campanella, she was Miss California USA,
this year pageant format da kne change bit "but i prefer yg old punye format BTW" wutever..till the soundtrack pon diorang change...i was like WTH????!! i like the close up track before this, but they changed it anyway...ergghhh...i hope they never change it in MU this year....=( instead of top 15, top 10, and top 5, they changed it to top 16, top 8, and top 4..and the way they announce it somehow like some reality tv show or sumthin which sumtin frustrating for me. i dunno bout other ppl's opinion, bt i really do feel dat way..
BTW, this year's result
UTAH-Jamie Crandall
NEW YORK-Amber Marie Collins
NEW MEXICO *voted from viewers-Brittany Toll
MISSOURI-Hope Driskill
INDIANA-Jillian Wunderlich
GEORGIA-Kaylin Reque
FLORIDA-Lisette Garcia
ARIZONA-Brittany Down Brannon
SOUTH CAROLINA-Courtney Hope Turner
MAINE-Ashley Lynn Marble
HAWAII-Angela Byrd
TEXAS-Ana Rodriguez
ALABAMA-Madeline Mitchell
TENNESSEE-Ahsley Durham
CALIFORNIA-Alyssa Campanella
top 8
SOUTH CAROLINA-Courtney Hope Turner
MAINE-Ashley Lynn Marble
HAWAII-Angela Byrd
TEXAS-Ana Rodriguez
ALABAMA-Madeline Mitchell
TENNESSEE-Ahsley Durham
CALIFORNIA-Alyssa Campanella
top 4
TEXAS-Ana Rodriguez
ALABAMA-Madeline Mitchell
TENNESSEE-Ahsley Durham
CALIFORNIA-Alyssa Campanella
this year's Miss USA also pernah compete kat Miss Teen USA 2007 as First Runner-up jea try youtube la kalo nk tau...erm but mase 2 she compete as Miss New Jersey Teen USA...plus, Miss USA ni claim dyer ni a history geek, she loves the Tudor era and dye claim gak ape yg dye x ske pasal beauty pageants ni is HIGH HEELS...yeah2 gurl u'll look gud in anything u wear. and plus, she also x an original redhead. she said mase dye tgh blakon 4 pementasan teater ape tah dye kne colour hair dye red, then dye feel "being a redhead really brings out the true Alyssa Campanella"...
pe yg best nyer this year all my fav contestants dpt msuk semifinals...
California *opkoss, Hawaii, Florida...
Miss USA 2010, Rima Fakih, crowning Miss USA 2011, Alyssa Campanella of California~

she's my fav contestant of this year taw~

Miss Hawaii USA- Angela Byrd one of my favs <3~

Miss Florida USA- Lisette Garcia
the crowning of this year's Miss USA really signifies the 60 years of Americas beauty..