humans..or homo sapeiens
Saturday, December 26, 2009
from the heart of ~ Unknown at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
~life after exam~
waa its have been long time since i x write here isnt?
from the heart of ~ Unknown at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
ermm long time isn’t?
btw, gosh,,here da banjir lorh at my house…
x suke2!
But nasib baik ler x banjir mase i nk SPM t…if not..omg I’m dead meat la…
Almatnyer I naek heli la g skul nk exam…
Eyh2…oke la tuh gak an cam VVIP jea…anak datok2…
Ermm ekceli an this banjir nip n ader la kebaikkan dier gak ekceli kat ak..
Ak x yah le g skul utk dis last2 week neh..ermmm g skul pn bknnyer ader bnde yg important pn…
Blik2 bengkel yg x best dan menyakitkan hati tu…well I personally think la kat last2 week ni I just need my personal time alone la to revise sndri ape yg I nk…bkn ke mcm tuhh??huhu…ermm btw, I pon nk mengelakan spot check yg bakal d jalankan oleh the beloved discipline thcer tuh…nk spot check rambut b4 SPM….ader ke patut?kiteorang nk bergaye ngan acuan sendiri lepas SPM ni pon x leyh…ellow??we control our live oke…not u,u,u,and u out there…I personally against this kind of thing…for me it will not allows us to determind our own personality and stye…blah,blah,blah…tah pepe tha ak merepek ni…
Ermmm btw, I’ve just saw la dis hot vid…*bkn blue eyhhh…!~don think strange plak..huhu…ianya memaparkan kekurangan kecerdikan segolongan manusia…ermmm kalu da ilmu x de di dade,manusia leyh jd mcm yg kt x leyh imagine….me,myself pn not la so dat have high knowledge cam org2 yg ader Ph.D tu kan…but i still can think reasonably..wat is right wat is wrong..
SPM just around la the corner…and I’m happy bcos I can leave dat skull dat makes my life miserable entire the period I were there….everything was sooo like gosh! People yg hatred, backstabbing ppl, mcm2 ader la…variation among human beings kan…kalo x aman la plak this world kan…x der la plak world war tuh..x der la plak UN tu ditubuhkan ye x?
My eyes pon feels soooo la the heavy..
Ermm gtg lu la..i ader date special ngan katil ni hah…da la ngah hujan ni..lg la betambah syiokkk date itu hendaknyer…
from the heart of ~ Unknown at 9:01 AM 0 comments
미스 코리아, 이하늬 her!~
ermmm this is miss korea honey lee (이하늬) which won the 3rd runner up in the miss universe 2007...gosh!she is sooo damn beautiful!~look at her dimples...wooo..!~stunning
lah..!but i've read la kan she have job done to her face dunno la weather its true or not..but from wat i've heard la kan korean girls ni many of them have job done..betol ker??confius btol
i...but nyway,i
founded the pic of her before the surgey..dunno la weather its true or not...but no metter how, i still like her

from the heart of ~ Unknown at 1:00 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
from the heart of ~ Unknown at 3:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
ermm raye..
from the heart of ~ Unknown at 2:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: raye~
Thursday, August 27, 2009
from the heart of ~ Unknown at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
first attempt...
Testing2 1..2..3.. hik3 this is my first attempt off publishing blogs….hihi..i dunno wat to say aaaa..
Kih3 x pe la soon I’ll publish sumthing…
I dun have dat modal la to talk ryte now….
Al-maklum ler…tengah mlm….
So idea pn kering ler ckit…
Pepaham je arhh…
Btw,, dunno la y,,,dis skunk neh I feel sooo hapy instead of feeling like shit and hell because of me going to sit for my SPM ofcourse… OMG…so hate dat acronym…feels sooo like duhh!~
Well fyi, I gtg..
Sleepy y’ll…
from the heart of ~ Unknown at 9:55 AM 0 comments